Experience the area’s most extraordinary collection of quality retail in one location. Enjoy shopping in an environment that is intimate and comfortable. Times Square Shopping Centre is a place for everyone as it features exciting weekly events and entertainment destination in Brunei. Times Square also offers dining and family entertainment options in a beautiful and comfortable setting.
Opening Hours:
Mondays to Thursdays and Saturdays: 10:00am to 10:00pm
Fridays: 10:00am to 12:00pm and 2:00pm to 10:00pm
Times Square Shopping Centre, Simpang 13-29, Kg Jaya Setia, Jalan Berakas, Mukim Berakas ‘A’, Bandar Seri Begawan BS2713, Negara Brunei Darussalam.
Telephone No:
+673 233 8006 (Property) +673 233 8208 (Sales & Marketing)
+673 233 8007 (Property) +673 233 8209 (Sales & Marketing)
Brunei Times Square